Other Products

from £60 / figure

For other items like necklaces, pendants, etc.

Prices for needle felted 3D items of your pet start at £60. Prices might increase according to the color and shape of the pet. The items will be cartooned portraits of your pet.

If you would like to buy one of these products, please contact us. There might not be enough item in the stocks. If there isn't any item you ask in the stocks, please don’t discourage, we will happily make another one for you.

If you want to do a commission, please contact us.


To accomplish a good realistic needle felted figure, clear photographs showing the colors right are needed. I need photos from both sides, front, back, top sides at pet’s eye level to catch all details and to see the shape clearly. In addition, I also need photos showing all markings and the pose you want it to be felted. Keep in mind that I also need to see the facial features on the photos.

If you don’t have this kind of photos, please don’t discourage, we will try to find a way together.